When you purchase a boat from us the customer service does not stop when the sale is over. We have a complete service department to help you maintain your new ride. We pride ourselves on the quality and expertise of our workmanship. Our goal is to make sure you get the most out of your purchase. Your time on the water with your family and friends is important to us, as that is where memories are made. We speak from experience on this!
Of course you don’t need to buy from us to experience our service department! We have what you need to get you back on the water fast. Our parts department keeps Mercury, Quicksilver and Sierra parts in stock to keep you moving.
You can shop our showroom for the latest in accessories and electronics. We offer Garmin, Lowrance, and Humminbird Fish/Depth Finders. We also offer lines, ropes and marine cleaning products. If you have your heart set on a particular brand of item we can special order it for you. Most items are received within 1-2 days. Our rigging department is available to install these for you at your convenience. Also in our show room are Mercury Oils, Lubes and other needed motor accessories.
Lastly, we can’t forget about our trailers! We have most parts in stock to fix whatever the problem may be. From bunk boards, u-bolts, lighting or even tires and rims we are your go to for fixing these things. Or if your trailer is just too far gone we can order you a new one.
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